The magic numbers of success

In spite of our great individuality, we humans sometimes behave reasonably predictable and compliant. This in turn can be observed, measured, analyzed and condensed into a few numbers: seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years, percentages, euros, ... It's the magical numbers of life and success . Of course, you have already gotten to know some of these while reading the Career Bible. Only these numbers can usually hardly remember one. Therefore, there is now (attention number!) An ultimate article to it. Have fun reading.

The magic numbers of success
A number should be remembered immediately: the seven . It is THE global favorite number. And since most people also call blue as their favorite color, the phenomenon is called blue-seven phenomenon . Crazy, right? But there are even more exciting numbers ...

100 milliseconds
The first impression adheres to a sheer unbearable finality: There is no second chance for him. All the worse, that's only whole 100 millisecondsneeded to manifest. As long as the brain needs to process an optical stimulus. After that, it is clear how we assess a person who appears sympathetic, efficient, reliable and assertive and who does not. Because we hardly move away from this first perception, it enormously influences our professional success. Because in order to find our way around a complex world, we all form stereotypes: Drawer open, human pure. On the basis of such schemes, unconsciously predictions about the nature and behavior of a person are made. Well, not much time to make a good first impression.

20 seconds
You do not need to look any further to find out if you can trust a stranger and if it can and will help you. This is the result of a study by the University of California at Berkeley. Noteworthy: Time actually works even though you have been watching the stranger for 20 seconds just talking to someone else.

90 seconds
Exactly as long as - according to definition - takes a moment . But sometimes it can be half an eternity ...

Moment definition 90 second graphic
20 minutes
After this short period of time, most of them have lost 40 percent of what they have learned. After one hour, the half-life of knowledge already drops to 45 percent, after one day we remember at most one third (34 percent) of the impressed content. Behind this is the so-called Ebbinghaus forgetting curve . Do not you know? Definitely forgetting ...

Forgetting curve-to-Ebbinghaus
30 minutes
The Germans invest at least as much time in their careers every day . This is the result of a Linkedin survey (more than 3,200 respondents, including 400 in Germany). According to this, over two-thirds (69 percent) of German specialists and executives think that they should invest between one and a half hours a day in their ascent. Like no other nation, Germans see their career as an extension of their personal interests and want to realize themselves in their profession.

90 minutes
Longer we can hardly concentrate on the piece . After that, our gray cells need a short break. But even then our thoughts like to wander - and more often than we think: If you believe the research of Jonathan Schooler from the University of California in Santa Barbara, most say that they spend about 10 percent of their time daydreaming . In fact, it is more like 30 percent on average and in some situations - such as when we drive a monotonous highway route - it is even up to 70 percent.

6 hours
Maximum. Most are not more productive on a normal working day. The career Bible readers even say themselves . But there is also a comprehensive Microsoft survey. Result: With an average weekly working time of 45 hours, respondents came up with a proud 17 unproductive hours in the job. On average, they spent 5.6 hours a day in meetings, which found 69 percent to be completely unproductive. And men and women hardly differ in their productivity . Women came to an average productivity day value of 72 percent, men to 71 percent.

72 hours
Within this period, you should start what you have set out to do . Otherwise, the chance of you ever implementing the project will drop to one percent. That's the so-called 72-hour rule . The background is not only the inner pig, but above all a lack of determination. If you commit yourself to something, with passion and passion, you want to get started. And the first step is the most important thing. Otherwise, it remains only a pious purpose.

15 days
Good friends are important, so you should maintain relationships - at least every two weeks. When researchers from the University of Notre Dame searched for the key factors of good friendships, they evaluated the data from more than eight million phone calls from around two million people. Result: What characterized good and, above all, durable relationships was the fact that the friends called and exchanged at least every 15 days . But today, this is also possible via Skype, SMS, e-mail, postcards and of course the good old personal meeting with a beer or wine.

66 days
That's how long it takes to get used to a new habit or get used to an old one. The background is research by psychologist Phillippa Lally from University College in London. To find out how fast a person learns a habitShe developed the following experiment: 96 subjects should acquire a new healthy routine - a 15-minute walk a day, 50 sit-ups every morning or noon, always a piece of fruit to eat. The progress was logged by the subjects daily on a website. Also, how consciously they made this new habit or when the process was already practiced and automatic. Result: The phase from the conscious execution of an activity to the automated habit averaged 66 days.

5 years
According to scientists from London's Kingston University, people are getting miserable on the job after having a baby - about five years after their birth. Other life events, such as a wedding, have a negative effect on job satisfaction, according to the study. For their investigations, the researchers evaluated the data of around 10,000 employees in the United Kingdom. These were interviewed annually about their job satisfaction - and that between the years 1991 to 2008. It showed: Soon after the birth of the first child, the subjects focus less on the job, but more on the life at home and took the mood there on the Work with. Added to this are classic work-life balance conflicts.

10,000 hours
This is supposedly the difference between success and non-success. The US psychologist Anders Ericsson therefore set the so-called 10,000-hour rule some time ago . After that everyone has to deal with a thing at least 10,000 hours before he has the necessary knowledge to be among the world's leaders in his field . The thesis is now considered refuted. The truth is: practice makes Master only 12 percent (but is also a number).

5 percent
A longer education pays off, for women even more than for men. According to a study by the Institute for Employment Research, an additional year of education later brings a salary increase of five percent . For example, an employee who has spent 16 years in education, on average, has 25 percent more income over his working life than someone who has left the education system after 11 years. Experts speak of the Mincer coefficient or return on education in this context .

20 percent
Use is often enough to reach 80 percent of the targeted result. Behind this is the so-called Pareto principle , also known as the 80-20 rule, Basically, the 80-20 rule is about focusing on the efficient 20 percent to improve its productivity. But that does not mean that the other 80 percent would be dispensable in general. In every job there are tasks that have to be done, but are not very productive: e-mails answer for example. Forgoing it and focusing only on the other 20 percent would certainly have dramatic consequences. However, the organization and the time required for such tasks can be optimized at least to the extent that the proportion of labor input falls below 80 percent.

5 properties
determine our personality - the Big Five . According to the five-factor model of personality psychology, roughly speaking, each character can be determined by the respective characteristics of these five main characteristics. They are: neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, tolerability and conscientiousness.

OCEAN-model Big Five graphic
150 friends
You can not have more. At the beginning of the 1990s, British psychologist and anthropologist Robin Dunbar examined how many contacts, or friendships, can coordinate our brains. The result was the so-called Dunbar numberAccording to which people can hold stable relationships to a maximum of 150 (in fact there were only 148) other people. Granted, Twitter, Facebook, Xing and Linkedin allow us to pay more attention to more relationships today. But are these real friendships that we cultivate there? When Bruno Gonçalves of Indiana University analyzed about 380 million tweets in a study for six months, he soon discovered that there, too, the number of Twitterati contacts between 100 and 200 people eventually leveled off. And true friendship is not measured by numbers anyway.

1 cent
Does a cent really make the difference that we find a product cheaper and buy - for about 1.99 instead of 2 euros? Yes, say some studies . The price effect is even crazier, as you assume: If two pens cost 2 euros or 3.99 euros, almost half of the people opt for the more expensive pen. If the prices are changed to 1.99 or 4 euros, then choose less than 20 percent of the 4-euro pen.

$ 75,000
Money may not always make you happy, but satisfied . And the more a person has, the happier he is with his life. That's what renowned psychologist and Nobel laureate Daniel Kahnemann and his colleague, economist Angus Deaton of Princeton University, say. The two have found in studies: From an annual income of $ 75,000 (about 58,000 euros), we have reached our happiness maximum. After that, an even higher income may make you even happier, but not happier. The study is based on more than 450,000 questionnaires that US citizens answered between 2008 and 2009.

165 liters
Every German drinks that much coffee a year on average. That's equivalent to 0.45 liters a day - about two standard coffee cups. Thus, even more coffee is drunk here in this country than pure water: the water consumption in the same year was only 140 liters per capita.

0.7 waist-hip ratio
Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder, but sometimes it seems to follow some rules. About the so-called waist-hip ratio . Men make such a ratio of waist circumference to waist circumference between 0.9 and 1.0 particularly attractive because it indicates a high testosterone level and thus sexual potency and physical strength. For women, the ideal value is 0.7. Incidentally, this signals fertility.

60 centimeters
That's the distance you have to hold to a person so as not to hurt his so-called privacy . Good friends and colleagues can sometimes reach between 0.6 and 1 meter. This "personal" zone is at the same time the one someone shakes hands with. Therefore, strangers should approach this only slowly if they do not want to stir up reservations.

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